Flare of MASHAL – (Making A Society Healthier and Lively) is a youth/women led organization. In an orthodox society, engulfed by social evils related to health and basic rights, MASHAL endeavors to sheds light on the indispensability of equal rights and the dire need of mass level awareness campaigns under meaningful youth participation. We work on Technological and Innovative fronts to develop solutions and engage community. We primarily work on women empowerment focusing reproductive health and rights.
Our Founder Laraib Abid is Prime Minister National Youth Council–
Focal Person Sexual and Reproductive Health, Rights & Policy Making
Our theory of change revolves around the fact that Planet Earth is facing undeniable negative consequences due to waste, pollution, uncontrolled plastic use and population explosion. No one can deny the importance of a healthier environment and a planned family in tandem with the available resources. Due to the fact that the Reproductive Rights, Family Planning issues are a stigma to talk about, our youth suffers from various issues like STIs/STDs, unwanted pregnancies, abortion complications, unsafe abortion etc. and above all; Population explosion. We aim to make Earth lively and strive to make people realize to have a family where they can easily divide and use resources and can keep their environment clean.
Research & Design
Brainstorming innovative ideas, thinking out of the box.
Pitching ideas with stakeholders,& community
Ensuring meaningful Youth Participation